Corteva Interactive Wall

Designing 50+ data storytelling interactive modules to promote Corteva’s global influence and innovation.

My Role  UX Designer

Company  Bajibot

Time  Feb to June 2019

Partner  Ogilvy

Client  Corteva Agriscience

Team  4 Designers, 1 Create Director, 1 Engineer, and 1 Account Manager


Corteva, a major American agricultural chemical and seed company, was separated from DowDuPont and became publicly traded in June 2019. To help Corteva advertise its company mission and stories, Bajibot worked with partner Ogilvy, to design and develop 11 multi-touch interactive walls placed in Corteva's 4 U.S. offices. As the UX Designer at Bajibot, I designed the experience to help Corteva achieve this goal.

Interactive Modules for Data Storytelling

With content provided by Corteva, we transformed stories into over 50 factoids, interactive infographics, videos, and articles to make them fun for learning.

Organize Content

Corteva provided us with the content and stories they want to tell, as well as interview results about how the internal and external stakeholders view Corteva. We organized the medium of how we want to tell these stories (videos, interactive info-graphs, and more).

Site Map

Brainstorm Design and Interaction

After organizing the stories, we brainstormed how to deliver stories through data visualization and interaction. We also thought about how we can accommodate users with special needs.

Simulate Interacting with the Wall

On the Launch Day